The phrase "bloom where you're planted" has been on my mind a lot lately.
It's so easy to let life feel like a race. A race to success, to having it all figured out, to the plans you have next summer, to the project you need to get finished next month.
It never stops.
One of the hardest things for me is admitting that this life is not my own. I’m ultimately not in control. And it always seems like the more I micro manage, the more confused I get about the situation I'm trying to control. (I know I can't be the only one!)
I'm taking this Sunday to make the conscious choice to live in the moment more often. To remember that enjoying today doesn't mean that you're not preparing for tomorrow. And most importantly: pray first, navigate second.
This isn't the first time I've came to this conclusion, and nor will it be the last. (And I can guarantee you'll be hearing more pep-talks the more I pray on it!)