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Melanie Riley Design Studio

we were eager to help boys & Girls clubs of San francisco

Enable Youth to Realize Their Full Potential as Productive, Responsible, & Caring Citizens


Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco Website

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Boys & Girls CLubs of San francisco was founded in 1891 and has since provided guidance to countless youth, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances. BGCSF has since grown to 15 locations & is open 225 days/year.

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Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco approached us in search for an organized, approachable website that matched the cheerful nature of their their recent chapter branding refresh.


Using provided branded materials, we created an inviting digital experience that celebrates the personalities and youth of each clubhouse location. Intentional use of color and typography was our key to successful content organization, readability, and visual interest. It was important that the website spoke to future and current club members, parents, and staff.


Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco offers

Seven Signature Programs to 1,715 Youth Per Day


Stock photos? No thanks.

Authentic Photography
Celebrates the True Stars: San Fancisco’s Youth


inviting comes in all colors 

Staff Centric Pages Utilize a Neutral Palette that Compliments the Bright Splashes Used Elsewhere

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